More traffic on railways

Reconciling climate protection with increasing transport volumes: That is only possible with railways.

Green mobility must run on rails. We are part of the solution when it comes to the transition to zero emissions by 2050. Transporting goods by rail lowers the CO2 emissions drastically: Road transport produces seven times more greenhouse gases for the same transport volume.

The target has been set: at least 25 percent market share for railway traffic by 2030 in Germany, 30 percent at the European level. To accomplish this, we must pick up the pace. This includes the expansion of infrastructure, automation and digitalisation of the rail system and fair competitive conditions between the modes of transport.

The master plan has been written

In 2017, policymakers and sector representatives laid out a shared roadmap in the form of the Rail Freight Master Plan, which contains specific sets of measures intended to move more traffic onto the rails. This master plan also forms the basis for the Rail Master Plan for the entire system. Together they offer a blueprint for a modern and efficient railway sector in Germany.

VPI participated actively in the development of these master plans, offering the perspectives of its practical experience. Important milestones were defined here for railway freight traffic. These include projects in the areas of innovation, digitalisation and research, the expansion of infrastructure and the reduction of route utilisation fees.

Priority for rails ­– today!

Our companies deliver – with concepts and innovations that make the rail system simpler, more digital and more efficient. It is important for policymakers to commit to a transition and make rail the top priority in transportation policy. VPI works hard to make this message heard in Berlin. Together with the associations of the sector, we appeal to the new German government to build out railways as the mode of transport of the future. The Rail Master Plan must move from plan to reality. We have addressed three points that must be advanced with priority: Expanding infrastructure, digitalising rail systems, advancing the transportation revolution.

Learn more about the transportation policy agenda of VPI in the interview with chairperson Malte Lawrenz in Privatbahn Magazin.


Malte Lawrenz

Chairperson of VPI

T +49 40 226 59 21 - 51