Industrieplattform Telematik und SensoriIndustry Platform for Telematics and Sensors in Railway Traffic (ITSS)

For decades now, there has been a lack of unified standards for telematics systems and sensors in railway traffic. This has resulted in diverse individual solutions that have prevented further market penetration of the telematics and sensor systems. As the Practice Group of the sector, TIS has set itself the goal of improving the integration potential of the telematics systems and sensors of various providers by standardising interfaces. This should provide greater investment security and favourable conditions on the operator side for the comprehensive use of telematics and sensor applications in order to strengthen the capacity for innovation in the railway traffic sector and improve the growth prospects of railway traffic.


Principles of the ITSS

In creation of a unified, open and free standard specification for the interchange of data, TIS relied on the following premises:

  • The main focus lies on the interests of the potential customers (keepers and users of railway freight wagons)
  • No restriction of competition, provider neutrality
  • Usability throughout Europe and the world, not specific to Germany
  • Sufficient standardisation depth to support system compatibility in multi-vendor strategies
  • Sufficient abstraction, not technology-specific
  • The lowest possible implementation cost for both providers and users
  • No specifications of overarching processes:
    future-compatible, modular, flexible, extensible
  • Development of standards that permit the use of ideally free or inexpensive base technologies
  • Extensions for product-inherent differentiations of individual competitors
  • No impediment to alternative standards by ITSS

ITSS Standard Specification Interface 1

Interface 1 enables the standardised exchange of telematics data between a telematics device and server as well as between two servers. This interface is installed by all TIS wagon keepers/RUs and is already available in a third version. Updates with improved features are generally released yearly.


ITSS Standard Specification Interface 2

Interface 2 provides for standardised wireless exchange of sensor data between sensors and the telematics device on the wagon. There are specifications for the two wireless technologies that are currently installed in the telematics devices of the wagons: BlueTooth Low Energy and IEEE802.15.4