List of VPI-EMG recipients

The current recipients of the VPI-European Maintenance Guide (VPI-EMG) are listed here in alphabetical order, independent of the time of their first purchase.

All listed recipients have consented to publication of this information either in a written declaration or as a workshop that has undergone a technical assessment by VERS. All recipients who have not yet issued this declaration are listed at the bottom of the table in anonymised form.

Business activity of the recipient
A = Other, E = Railway undertaking, M = Keeper/ECM, S = Rail forwarder / rail logistics, V = Shipper, W = Workshop

Number of VPI-EMG recipients: 581
Customer no.Company namePlaceCountryBAVPI 08-ID
157InfraLeuna GmbHLeunaDeutschlandW111701
358Infraserv GmbH & Co. Gendorf KGBurgkirchenDeutschlandW111801
278Infraserv GmbH & Co. Höchst KG Industriepark HöchstFrankfurt/MainDeutschlandW127101
912Ingenieurbüro Thomas StegmüllerBöbingenDeutschlandA
721INNOFREIGHT Solutions GmbHBruck an der MurÖsterreichS138901
718Inspectorate of Environment and Transport (ILT) Ministry of Infrastructure and WatermanagementUtrechtNiederlande
857Instandhaltung Management Service GmbHPutlitzDeutschlandW107501
749Institut für Germanistik Universität OpoleOpolePolenA
897Instytut KolejnictwaWarszawaPolenA107601
652Interporto Bologna SpAInterporto Bologna - Bentivoglio (BO)ItalienW132701
319INVEHO BRB GmbHBrandenburg an der HavelDeutschlandW108702
319INVEHO FWN GmbHEllrich OT WofflebenDeutschlandW108703
618INVEHO IDFCréteilFrankreichW130001
324INVEHO UABAchiet-le-GrandFrankreichW119301
326INVEHO UFF Ateliers Ferroviaires et Industriels de FosFos Sur MerFrankreichW108601