List of VPI-EMG recipients

The current recipients of the VPI-European Maintenance Guide (VPI-EMG) are listed here in alphabetical order, independent of the time of their first purchase.

All listed recipients have consented to publication of this information either in a written declaration or as a workshop that has undergone a technical assessment by VERS. All recipients who have not yet issued this declaration are listed at the bottom of the table in anonymised form.

Business activity of the recipient
A = Other, E = Railway undertaking, M = Keeper/ECM, S = Rail forwarder / rail logistics, V = Shipper, W = Workshop

Number of VPI-EMG recipients: 591
Customer no.Company namePlaceCountryBAVPI 08-ID
848MATISA (U.K.) LtdScunthorpe DN 15 6UWGroßbritannienW150402
782MCR Engineering Lausitz GmbHSpremberg, OT Schwarze PumpeDeutschlandW144002
790MEDWAY - Maintenance & Repair S.A.EntroncamentoPortugalW146601
644Mercitalia Intermodal S.p.A.MilanoItalienM132101
687Metaal- en Onderhoudswerken vdBr. BVRotterdamNiederlandeW
539METRANS DYKO Rail Repair Shop s.r.o.Praha 10 UhrinevesTschechienW115001
823MFD Rail GmbHRotkreuzSchweizM147601
651MFG Metallbau Fahrzeugservice GottesgabeGottesgabeDeutschlandW132801
828MIBRAG GmbHZeitzDeutschlandM147901
659MILLET SASParisFrankreichM133401
367Mindener Kreisbahnen GmbHMindenDeutschlandA115401
867MIP-RSV d.o.o. CuprijaCuprijaSerbienM
182Mitteldeutsche Eisenbahn GmbH bei Dow Olefinverbund GmbHSchkopauDeutschlandW115603
182Mitteldeutsche Eisenbahn GmbH Außenstelle RüdersdorfRüdersdorf bei BerlinDeutschlandW115602
903MK-RAIL Mateusz KedziakKamieniec ZąbkowickiPolenA