List of VPI-EMG recipients

The current recipients of the VPI-European Maintenance Guide (VPI-EMG) are listed here in alphabetical order, independent of the time of their first purchase.

All listed recipients have consented to publication of this information either in a written declaration or as a workshop that has undergone a technical assessment by VERS. All recipients who have not yet issued this declaration are listed at the bottom of the table in anonymised form.

Business activity of the recipient
A = Other, E = Railway undertaking, M = Keeper/ECM, S = Rail forwarder / rail logistics, V = Shipper, W = Workshop

Number of VPI-EMG recipients: 581
Customer no.Company namePlaceCountryBAVPI 08-ID
314Dienstleistungsgesellschaft für Intermodale Verkehre mbH (DIV)KölnDeutschlandW
830DK Recycling und RoheisenDuisburgDeutschlandA148001
247Dortmunder Eisenbahn GmbH Fertigung FahrzeugtechnikDortmundDeutschlandW145401
795Drazni uradPraha 2 - VinohradyTschechienA145501
492duisport rail GmbHDuisburgDeutschlandE105301
737Duroc Rail ABLuleaSchwedenW140101
709Duro Dakovic Specijalna vozila d.d.Slavonski BrodKroatienW138001
661ECMS s.r.l.Verona VRItalienW
879Ecoindustria SrlGiano dell’UmbriaItalienW106501
831e.g.o.o. Eisenbahngesellschaft Ostfriesland-Oldenburg mbHEmdenDeutschlandE148301
380Eiffage Infra-Rail GmbHHerneDeutschlandA105701
735Eiffage Rail FranceVélizy VillacoublayFrankreichW139901
387Eisenbahn-Bau- und Betriebsgesellschaft Pressnitztalbahn mbHJöhstadtDeutschlandA105901
245Eisenbahnen und Verkehrsbetriebe Elbe-Weser GmbHBremervördeDeutschlandE106001